Cheerleader Coworker
Ever since Z asked the question at work, she has been on my back. Most people that I’ve told that I’m gay have left the subject alone for the most part. It’s sort of nice because to be honest, I don’t want to have conversations about my sex life (actually, a lack thereof) with them. Yet, there are times I want someone to talk to about it. Z is not that person. Some of the conversations we’ve had have been fun, but some not so much.
At first, she was asking about, “when did you know,” “how long have you been,” and so on. It was strange as I felt like I trying to teach Gay 101 to her while I’m still taking the 200’s. Then she started asking about my sex life. “Have you ever slept with a girl?” No. “What’s sex like with a guy?” I don’t know.
We were talking earlier last week during our overtime. Since getting onto this new project, a few first shifters including her and myself, have been staying over a couple hours and overlapping with second shift. When we were wrapping up our paperwork on the first night, she had to find someone to give the left-over checks. She spotted this one guy and asked me who his name was. Without thinking I said, “E-M.” So blah blah blah, she now knows that I’ve got a serious crush on E-M. And I think she’s hoping harder than I am that he’s gay because I know she wants to set us up.
For a while, E-M was recently on mini-vacation. While he was gone, she was teasing me about him and how she was going to ask around to see if he was available. On the day before E-M came back, I dressed up in a pretty snazzy way if I do say so myelf. Z liked it. But the next day (and the day E-M came back) I was back to jeans and a shirt. Z did not like that. She has pretty much threatened me that I will be wearing something sexy on Monday, “or else.”
I went shopping yesterday.