Great Expectations
STOP! Do not read this post if you hate listening to people bitch and whine. This was written mainly to vent. Please stand by for something more cheerful.
I had such great expectations for my first New Year’s bash. I would have this great time with Season and Erin at Truman’s and Rum Runners. I envisioned tossing back some drinks with them. The bar would be so crowded that we couldn’t help but talk to people. Truman’s would be this place would just click with me. Things never go the way they should though.
Rum Runner’s cover ended up being $20 and tickets/reservations were needed. Truman’s ended up to be $15 but no reservations needed. Erin decided that she wanted to go to Rum Runner’s with her friends where they would stay all night. Going to Truman’s was important to me. Season wanted to go there as well so that’s where we went—just the two of us. When we walked in, there were only five other people in the place. Granted it was 8pm but I was still expecting more people. Until 11:30, it wasn’t even crowded. Even at the stroke of midnight, there was plenty of room. I guess the gay bar isn’t the place to go for New Year’s.
Although it’s the lamest excuse, I was so clamed up that I couldn’t talk to anyone. I stole a few cigarettes from Season (and I don't even smoke.) I even tried downing some drinks. Nothing helped. By then end of it, I just wanted to get out of there. This wasn’t my place. I wasn’t feeling like myself. What the hell is wrong with me?
I may have felt like a fish out of water, but there were a few things that I think about. I’ll keep them to myself for right now because I don’t know how to properly express it. I just know that it was something good. I’m trying to find the positive in this situation and I suppose it’s this. For a few hours, I didn’t feel alone even though, aside from Season, I was.

I am so photogenic. I got to show some ridiculousness.
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