Peering Out

I’m just a guy who is beginning the process of coming out fully to the world. These are my posts:

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Oooh, my stomach feels weird and I haven't even had a drink yet.

Season just came up to me and asked me if I was excited about Saturday. This will be my first official New Years bash. The last time I did anything was when I went to a house party with some buddies during my senior year of college. It wasn’t anything big. This year I will be heading with Season and Erin to Mishawaka and hitting the bars. The big stop: Truman’s, the local gay bar (and as far as I know, the only one.) Yes, after a few attempts, we are going for real. I took a look at their website, and this is my answer for Season: I am one step away from terrified.

It’s hard to explain. I just don’t know if I can handle it. I feel… like I’m stepping on an alien planet. This will be totally out of the norm for me. You know, I’m used to the sitting at the bar, drinking beer, and discussing retarded topics (including football games.) Dancing? No. That gyrating your hips thing? Tried it once and I was laughed at (well, I laughed too.) Dressing up for the occasion? Okay, I’ve got that covered thank you Sara. It’s just that this will be the first time that I am out there doing something that I can’t hide.

I would feel a lot better if I was going with a guy rather than two straight women. At least one of us would know what the hell was going on. I fear that we are just going to be three deer caught in the headlights. I’ve thought about asking Karl (you may remember him from here) to come with us. But that’s quite a lot to ask a person who lives up in mid-Michigan.

So it sounds like I need someone to hold my hand. You’re damn right I do! Now… where did I put my shoe polish?


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