I Can Do It

Anyways, getting back to the real subject of the post. While I was there going through various journals and news reports, I spotted a guy coming in with his son. This guy looked like he was younger than me yet his kid was at least four or five years old. I'd say that this guy probably had this kid when he was in high school or just out of it. I saw them sit down in the middle of the rotunda. Kid had a stack of coloring books. Guy had a stack of SAT and ACT* books. I was tempted to go over to him and offer a bit of advice: Don't bother with the SAT's. It's just a waste of time, effort, and money to take that test. Although the SAT's are pretty much the national test, ACT's are more popular here in the Midwest. If this guy is going to college here in Michigan or in any of the neighboring states, then just taking the ACT's is sufficient. Personally, I think the ACT is a better test anyways. So as I watched him open his books and start studying, I couldn't help but be inspired. This guy was still trudging forward and bettering himself. He was going to college. He was going to make a better life for him and his family. I silently wished him well as I went back to my own studies.
It got me thinking though as to where I am in life and that I should be moving forward too. Right now, I'm working at a retail store unloading trucks. I am so overqualified that it's not funny. I have a BA in Political Science. I should have a real job by now. Something that pays more than $7.10/hour. Granted I have my internship that is giving me some valuable work experience but I still want more. There are two things on my mind. Going back for a BA in Criminal Justice or going to law school. I want to go to law school.
Law school is where I want to go and I've got to make it happen. I just need to put in as much effort as that guy who was sitting a few tables away from me. So here's where I am at. I've got a low paying job (meaning no money.) No LSAT** score to speak of. A college GPA of 3.0 and no professor recommendations. How do I overcome those and get accepted into law school where I am not even sure that I can hack it?
Well, I've already started to tackle the LSAT. I've bought some materials and tests. Now I just got to go through them and study. It's a good thing I saved my West Law book on Constitutional Law as well. Right now, I'm planning to take the summer test. I may go for the spring one but I think it might be a waste of money. Hopefully, by the time I apply, my work experience will make up for my GPA and lack of professor recommendations. Now finding that $90,000 for should be fun.
I'm thinking that I would like to do something with wills and trusts.
*For those international readers (or those who just don't know), SAT and ACT are the name of tests that are pretty much college entrance exams. Taking these tests yields a score that college entrance boards look at.
**LSAT: Law School Admissions Test.
picture: Michigan State University College of Law building.
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