Peering Out

I’m just a guy who is beginning the process of coming out fully to the world. These are my posts:

Friday, October 14, 2005


There is a lack of eye candy at the place that I work. Would it be surprising to know that the majority of the back room workers where I am stationed at is women? I guess this retail store really doesn't sexually discriminate. In fact, it actually looks like some affirmative action is taking place. Anyways, there's only two other guys that I work with. One is in his thirties an a big womanizer. The other is a big guy with a girlfriend who seems to have a distant relation to ...oh... let's say Atilla the Hun. The whole work situation is probably best. I don't need to be distracted and hurt myself. Last night, however, was a different story.

Since we have a low staff, we are being helped out by our inventory workers (called ICS). ICS got a new worker (I'll call him Nate in the future) a couple days ago and last night was the first night I worked with him. He's showing off as a substantial blip on my gaydar scope. But, seeing how my system has been way off before, I will try to control my excitement (ahem.) I didn't get to talk with him that much but he seems to be a down to earth kind of guy and I would bet that he's not into the superficial aspects of what is stereotypically thought of as gay life. I just might have to pray for more shipments if it means he'll be working the line with me.

Unfortunately, Nate couldn't stay long as he had other duties to perform. But in his place came oh-what-the-hell-he's-still-hot Andrew. He was a lot more bearable that day. And although he could have been a lot more help, he was pulled away by a Manager S___ to do some asinine project. Wanna know what it is? He had to dust a box bailer. If only I could have beat that manager with a bat!

Still, I think I left that night feeling rather good.


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