Peering Out

I’m just a guy who is beginning the process of coming out fully to the world. These are my posts:

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

National Coming Out Day

Uh, I just read on two other blogs that today is National Coming Out Day. Wow. I totally missed that which is kinda of weird considering it does have some significant meaning for me. I'm not saying that I would have completely come out to my parents (and thus the world) but it may have been nice to think about it further. The other day, I came extremely close to telling my friend Adam. My sister is also on the short list for those who need to know. In fact, she would have been told a little while ago but the situation was not at all ideal. Soon. Soon.

As I have mentioned on another blog, I can feel the pressure from other gays who are out of the closet to budge me out of mine. On a message board that I recently looked at, an anonymous person said that they really could not stand closeted people. It's kind of difficult when you get the impression that the queer community is standing out there impatiently tapping their foot when you wish they were waiting with open arms.


At 1:43 PM, October 12, 2005, Blogger Chox said...

Hey...coming out of the closet is an extremely personal thing, and also very difficult. Don't worry what ANYONE else says, you come out on your own terms, at your own pace.

You're doing just fine. I think you're very brave.

At 5:50 PM, October 12, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

hi- found your blog via Bob's-

coming out, just like life, is your own journey. and, it's not something you do one day. it's an ongoing lifelong process- for better or worse. you get to do it how you want to do it.

seems like you are doing just fine to me...

At 2:16 PM, October 13, 2005, Blogger David said...

Thanks Chad, Herb. What you both said meant a lot to me.

At 2:51 PM, November 03, 2005, Blogger David said...

Hello travelingboi. That thought had crossed my mind before. That at least my father knows. I'm pretty much certain that my mother doesn't know and that my sister didn't know (she does now.) My Dad sends off the wrong signals even though there should have been plenty of opportunities to make the connection.

Example 1: He caught me kissing my friend Jon when I was in first grade. I was grounded. Jon told me later at school that his father said that we couldn't play together at school anymore.

Example 2: Everyone in the neighborhood called me a "bakla" (meaning gay in the Philippines.) He later tells me that I did act girlish when I was seven or so.

Example 3: He found the gay porn on the family computer when I was in tenth grade. Hey, the internet was new at our home and I thought that erasing the history erased everything else. Nope. I admited it was mine but that i merely accessed it when I was going through my hotmail account (which really did have porn spam that redirected to both straight and gay sites.)

Example 4. Okay, I guess there's really only three examples that I can give.

Yet... he everything that he says and does seems to be done with the belief that I am straight. Based on what he says about gays in front of me, I don't think he would have said it if he knew about me. Perhaps it has crossed his mind but he just won't really wont consider it. I guess I'll find out sooner or later for sure.

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