Peering Out

I’m just a guy who is beginning the process of coming out fully to the world. These are my posts:

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Saturday anxiousness

I was woke up last night by a call from Season. Kevin is in town and she was wondering if I wanted to go do something with them tonight. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I should. I haven't seen him since we graduated high school and if he wants to spend time with Season, who am I to inject myself into the situation? Plus, I am not going to hide who I am. I mean, what's the point? He's gay. I'm gay. Now, that we got that settled we can move on, right?

I don't think Season has told him. So it should be an interesting meeting, if it even happens. Plus, this could be a significant source of info and perhaps wisdom. So, I'll be hoping for a the best.

Besides, a little less drama would be nice right about now.


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