Peering Out

I’m just a guy who is beginning the process of coming out fully to the world. These are my posts:

Friday, March 17, 2006


I’ve been tagged by Herb! So now you are going to get to know six weird things about me. Let see here… what are the weird things about me?

1. I once shaved my eyebrows so that I could look like a Vulcan. Considering what happened to Christian Slater, I suppose I was fortunate because they grew back. Sometimes, I want to shave them off like Whoopi Goldberg but now that I know what happened to Christian Slater, I’m too chicken to do it.

2. I’m one of those people who checks to see if there is anyone hiding in the tub/shower before I use the bathroom. Always. Without fail.

3. Sausages make me gag. (Please keep your snickers to a minimum.—But yeah, I wonder about that too…)

4. I have issues with driving. I hate 4-way stops. I love roundabouts. I will avoid making left hand turns onto certain streets; I’m known to make my own Michigan lefts on a fairly regular basis. I am insanely afraid to drive in downtown Chicago but I secretly love driving in other cities. (I just say that I hate them too, but only so that my fear of driving in a city seems consistent.)

5. I didn’t know that being tongue-tied was physical condition until I found out that I am. My entire tongue, all the way to the tip, is attached. I can’t touch the roof of my mouth with my tongue or stick it out more than a couple centimeters. I’m afraid I may be a disappointment to a certain someone in the future, but not enough to get that damn ligament snipped just yet.

6. I’ve never told anyone this next one. I don’t really consider it too weird, but I thought I’d throw it in since someone called me it a few hours ago. “Dave.” Calling me “Dave” used to drive me up the wall and back down the other side. I’d grit my teeth and generally get steamed. I don’t know why. I hated “Dave.” Then one day in tenth grade, one of my friends said it and it never bothered me again. “Davy” will get me pretty fired up still, but I’m working on that. Now, I react positively to “Dave.” Other than the fact that on that one day, a friend called me that, I have no explanation as to why my position on it changed.

Now, I’ve got to tag people. Oh I dread this because I don’t know if I have six people to tag. If you are a somewhat regular reader here—you’re it! So let’s see, that’s Kate, Luke, Brian, [Unknown visitor from the UK], and [Unknown visitor from New York City—Is that you PJS?]. Season would be the sixth but she doesn’t have a blog. I’m not sure if there are any other regulars, so whoever wants to be the sixth one consider yourself tagged.


At 3:49 PM, March 17, 2006, Blogger Luke said...

Too many of my coworkers read my blog. I don't think I can post weird things about myself. :)

At 3:59 PM, March 17, 2006, Blogger David said...

*shrugs* You don't have to do it, really. I'm just trying to name names. >__<

At 12:29 PM, March 19, 2006, Blogger Brian Farrey said...

OK, challenge received and responded to.

At 10:58 AM, March 20, 2006, Blogger David said...



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