Peering Out

I’m just a guy who is beginning the process of coming out fully to the world. These are my posts:

Friday, November 11, 2005

I'm "Out" at work...

...well, not really.

I pulled the truck today. Nate followed me in where we talked a little where we could. Somehow we got onto the subject of penis girth. How it got from bottles of shampoo to that, I can't remember. Probably best that I don't. But I winced at something that thick.

"Nothing that big is going up my bum chute."

If Nate had any lingering doubts, they pretty much died right there 'cause I said that if my partner was ever that big, he'd better be a sole bottom. From there, we got into a weird conversation about sex, and in-dating. Maybe it was the fumes from the spilt detergent, but I just didn't care that we were talking about some subjects that I would normally never ever bring up.

Naturally, I had to tell Tammy at lunch that I had the weirdest conversation with Nate.

"Yeah, I noticed that he followed you into that trailer and never came out." She said after observing that I had stripped down to my undershirt in order to pull the truck. Ms. Sally and Sue were also there. Joe came up and sat with us and... I forget how... but he asked if I was gay. Tammy said that Jayson (the cashier who is also gay) likes older men. I said, so did I.

Joe then asked me, "Who? Guys or girls?"


I heard a gasp from Tammy and looked around. Their faces conveyed confusion.

"Nuh huh. Whatever." Tammy broke the silence. And after that they were convinced that I was just joking with them.

I just grinned. They couldn't believe that I was gay. Could I be that good of a straight-actor? It certainly is a good thing when you want to fly below someone's radar but... wow.


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