Why were we talking about that?
So it was great to see Karl again. I wasn’t expecting to see him until Erin and I made our way up to Grand Rapids. Last year, when Erin told me about him, she right of the bat said he wasn’t my type. It was true but he is a bundle of fun all on his own. He looked happy to see me and we made sure to get a picture which I am currently trying to get a copy.
The last person that I outed myself to was my sister. Since then, the only way people have been finding out is through conversing with me. I’m a little sick (not quite the word I’m looking for) of having to sit people down in order to explain it to them. I’d much rather just take it like everyone knows. That’s how Stacey found out who then told Kraig. So even though I knew that he knew, I never talked to him about it. But it definitely was confirmed when we playing 4 Kings. There were things said there that he could not possibly dismiss and I knew that he got it. Boobs don’t interest me. Boxer briefs do look good on guys (well fit ones anyways). And hell yes, I’m going to cheer on Kevin and Bobby having to take off their clothes (not that they were going to anyways.)
When we went out the bar, it became the thing to talk about the gays. I don’t know, Karl and I probably didn’t let it die. But while we were there, Kraig seemed to be a little mad that it was only recently that Kevin (Kraig’s brother, not the one at the party) actually went up to him and basically confirmed that he was gay. He has known all this time. Well I never told him that I was gay either. But it got me thinking, what is our obligation to out ourselves? Was he expecting the same thing with me?
Kraig pretty much says that he’s got a good gaydar on him since he has lived with his brother. So he’s got a ten point list to match people against. If a subject scores at least a six, then he knows that person is gay. I wanted to know what the list was and he never did get around to naming them all but what he did name out such as cleaning/decorating, they didn’t apply to me.
Intrigued, I wanted to know if he ever suspected me. He nodded his head yes, and I knew he was probably lying. I was right. He quickly retracted saying that he really didn’t since he grew up with me. He grew up with Kevin.
I wonder what Karl was thinking all that time.
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