What's this weird number on Caller ID?

Late last night I got a call from Lee. Lee is my friend from Korea (It's better in his book if you drop the "South"). He spent a semester or two at Michigan State but I didn't meet him there. I met him at the University of the Philippines Los Banos where he was spending a month with another mutual friend. Okay--it's complicated. Suficely to say, we hung out. My best times in the Philippines were with him and John (again, see that post.) Anyways, out of the blue, he calls me on my phone. Mind you, we haven't talked in two years and our last email was a good couple of months ago.
So I'm sitting there thinking, why the hell is he calling me. His phone bill is going to take a hit. Not really-- he was calling for work. Ah nice, Lee, you want to get fired don't you? I can't recall exactly who he works for. I want to say General Electric. It's got to be gruelling because he's at the office at 7am and definitely doesn't leave until after 5pm. But he's doing well. He told me that he was going back to the Philippines in a few weeks for his vacation. I told him that he should plan one for 2011, which is the earliest I can expect to be out there. Some other things were said, but it's not necessary to bring it up here.
That picture you see is when we went bar crawling one night. We went to this one called Miguel's which has karaoke with drag queens. Lee didn't quite get it and we had to explain the true nature of the person you see beside him. You should have seen his face. We hadn't met John by this time but we wanted to bring him there. Someone squealed and John refused to go. But as you can see, even Lee had a blast! I just wish I could have recorded a movie of his singing. LOL. (You've heard of William Hung right? Right.)
^I was begining to wonder if you were still around.
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