Peering Out

I’m just a guy who is beginning the process of coming out fully to the world. These are my posts:

Sunday, August 28, 2005


I am back from my trip to MSU/Detroit. You can get most of the other info off the blog but I wanted to write about what happened that I couldn’t post in the blog.

I came out to Season while we headed up to MSU. She would have put two and two together once she saw Moose. Plus it wouldn’t have been fair to Moose to pretend that I was straight. I wasn’t there to act like I was. He gave me a hug when I got there. Such love! It’s great that we don’t have to be so protective our image… not that I’m attracted to him because I’m not.

While we were having drinks at the Barrel, our topic of conversation was gayness. I was hoping that Season wouldn’t feel left out or that she would be uncomfortable. She stayed quite most of the time and that worried me.

I think that I may have offended Moose when I said that I was attractive to straight acting men. He doesn’t like that term for whatever reason. Maybe he thought that I was prejudging him. And I guess he would be right. I did prejudge him and perhaps still do. But I like him. I look up to him. I envy him. I am jealous of him particularly now because he his pursuing a relationship with this guy named Paul whom I noticed back in the summer of ’04. In fact, when we went to Paul’s place, I was full of excitement that I was going to meet him. If I was back in school and more out, I would have definitely tried to go out with him. Sadly, it’s just not possible now.

Season offered to take me to a gay bar there but the time restraint pretty much nixed that. But she is all for going to one in South Bend. When I called Erin later that night, she was excited about it to. We’ll probably start off with the drag show. Again, I’m not sure I am into that, but it allows me to sit back and enjoy a show rather than trying to start conversations with other men.


At 2:42 PM, September 25, 2005, Blogger KS said...

Wow, your blog is pretty interesting. Reading it I see a lot of similarities to my own life about a year ago. I went through total hell dealing with the things that your dealing with but surprisingly have come to a different place with my journey than even I expected. Have a good day!

At 2:32 AM, September 26, 2005, Blogger David said...

Thanks ks for taking some time to read my blog. I took a gander at yours and I'm glad to hear that you've come to some sort of conclusion as to who you are. At the begining of this whole thing, I had thought that I was bisexual. Nope. I guess that was my last grasp for hope. But who knows, I'm still trying to figure things out which is sort of the purpose of this blog. Anyways, take care there.


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